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Every single day comes with a new blessing. Think about it. Do you know that you should be ever grateful to life for keeping you conscious. Regardless of how beautifully the after life is painted, every single being on earth treasures the gift of life so much. at least, every human in his rational state of mind.

I grew up with a certain bronchial condition known as chronic bronchitis. The episodes usually brought me so close to the gates of death and the difficulty in breathing made repeatedly brought higher and deeper and broader levels of appreciation for the gift of functional breathing apparatus and the subconscious' continuous will to keep them running.The asthmatic can identify with this experience better.

So, just for the sake of the gift of life, and the ability to live, problems to solve, say one nice thing about your existence and all that comes with it.

I go

My life is unfolding so wonderfully

I am so excited about the gift of today

My senses are making my life's journey so enriching

Every moment in my life keeps tasting better and better!

Comment by saying your own nice stuff about yourself. Put up pictures, celebrate your life and living here