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Ezeemo to champion Anambra prison inspection

Godwin Chukwunaenye Ezeemo, PPA gubernatorial candidate, has pledged to assist Civil Society Network in carrying out an impending prison inspection tour in Anambra state.

Speaking during a courtesy call of the civil rights group, Ezeemo expressed concern over the reports of injustices, human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings by law enforcement agents and prison wardens. He said that the program is in line with his passion for his state; to restore sanity and order to all its sectors.

In his words, “Part of why I came back to sojourn in Nigeria and get fully involved in the development of my society is because I am repulsed by the longstanding wrong conception about black men that they cannot be successful without engaging in fraud. I have sworn to change this ideology and prove it wrong both in words and in deeds.

“My concern over the checkered state of my society got me involved. We moved two steps forward and then ten steps backwards in the last two dispensations.”

He shared the sentiment of the group that indeed our prosecution and imprisonment system leaves much to be desired and promised that his administration will be more preventive in approach to crime by effectively empowering the youths and providing basic amenities to all, thereby reducing the gap between the rich and the poor.

Given the deplorable state of our prison system; alleged human rights abuses and wanton killings, Civil Society Network had sought and gotten the approval of Anambra State Police Commisioner and Chief Judge to carry out an intensive inspection tour of all the prisons.

Explaining earlier, the state chairman of the group, Elvis Okoli said that the group has involved a team of lawyers and journalists to take part in the exercise and would feature looking into the case files of inmates to identify those ones who are not supposed to be in jail. Also all the excesses of the prison wardens will be identified and necessary actions taken to stop them.

In his words, “It is quite disheartening that some police men have turned themselves into judges. There have been several  reports of the police imprisoning suspects without trial for years just because they could not pay for their bail, allegations of extrajudicial killings and dumping of dead bodies with the living inmates for days.

“We as a civil society seek to address this and we need all the help we can get to do this.”

The group, while extolling the outstanding works of Godwin Ezeemo, promised to aid in sensitizing the people to vote in Godwin Ezeemo who has proven from his antecedents that he has genuine love and compassion for all the people of the state.

High points of the visit were the occasion of Nneka Ezeemo, wife of the gubernatorial candidate and member of the civil society group, pledging to give the group airtime and space on Orient Mega FM and Orient Daily newspaper/ magazine respectively to vent their message of a civilized society; a tour of the various production plants at the Umuchu cluster of Ezeemo Group of companies.